10 years ago
I don’t know whether the owners of social networking site, Facepalmers, would ever read this blog, but I’d like to think that they will.
On January 18th 2008, I wrote a blog that never quite made it into the archives under the heading. ‘Gordon Moo Brown’. And one of the key ideas in that piece was that by barring or banning someone from being a customer, you could invariably create a lot of free publicity for yourself in doing so. You just need to come up with an interesting, amusing or thought-provoking reason for doing it.
Fast forward to the other day, and here’s the headline I dreamt up…
Social Networking Site Facepalmers Bans Oldies Over Sex Offender Fears.
The social networking site Facepalmers, have issued a press release today announcing that they have deleted most of their users over the age of 36, because it claims that older users pose an enhanced danger of sex offending...
It’s complete nonsense, of course. The company will be ‘blaming’ government legislation for the move - legislation that doesn’t actually exist in the form they’re claiming. What’s more, the laws that do exist make no reference to the age of offenders, and no law has ever suggested that people over the age of 36 are more likely to be sex offenders.
It’s an out and out publicity stunt, an attention grabber – And I like it!
Because the subject is highly controversial, interesting
and at the same time, thought-provoking.
It’s therefore very likely to generate a great deal of free publicity. And any kind of publicity, good or bad is generally good for business.
A lot of commentators, columnists and journalists will be keen to have their say.
Many of those ‘banned’ will be furious that they have been targeted in this way, and will be exceedingly vociferous about it.
And every time someone pipes up to say they’re 42 and have never so much as looked at a woman in the wrong way, the Facepalmers name will again become highlighted in the national media.
Many of those barred who won’t recognise this for what it really is, will be totally alienated and pushed away. But does that matter anyway though?
Not at all.
Because at the same time, the younger people will be pulled in even closer - precisely the people who make up the vast majority of the Facepalmers customer base.
And they’re the very same people who will represent the target audience for their keener than average (after such a stunt) advertisers and sponsors to imbibe in.
So here’s another opportunity for you to consider in your business plans…
Who could you ban and for what good reason?

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